Child Injury Prevention E-Learning Tool

$79.00 incl. GST

Purchase as an Individual or Multi-seat Organisation

The course can be purchased as an individual, or select Enable Group Purchase to sign up for bulk seats at a discount. Buy 10 seats or more to receive an Organisation discount.

If you are signing up as a not-for-profit organisation apply here to receive an additional 10% discount!

If you are signing up as a student apply here to receive 50% discount for an individual seat purchase!

If you have any questions are that aren’t answered in our FAQ please email us as

Individual and Multi-Seat Pricing Options
Title Range Discount
1-9 Seats 1 - 9 $79.00
10-19 seats 10 - 19 $49.00
20-49 seats 20 - 49 $29.00
50-149 seats 50 - 149 $19.00
Enable Group Purchase